Explain the advantages of Direct Short Term Gain versus indirect long term gain - of MLM selling.
Speak the common man languge of their father, mother and surroundings. Ensure that your smart guide is going to talk a little different from the rest of his people.
Asking some one Rs.50,000/- cheque, you are not respecting his other committments. He's not living, just to pay your insurance premiums. He has other things too .
If he is not ready at the point, ask for leads.
Do net search on ' Reverse Innovation'.
" Every trainer has his own /her own challenge area - which , only he/she knows. What is yours ? This differs from trainer to trainer. "
" What is that one thing, if I can deliver, that the trainee is going to remember for the next 5 years ? And feel, it's been the most useful take away ? Strive to deliver that one thing, in every training, to every participant! "
In a group presentation, never focus your attention on one person, and switch off others.
No one goes and appreciates rural people. You be the one who goes and appreciates them, a genuine one, at every given chance.
No one understands , how many zeros are there in Rs.16,000 crores. Avoid hard numbers. Instead, focus on their benefits.
" When ever you address a segement, always give living examples of that segement and their success stories. If the person is present, there is nothing like it. "
Understand the ' pain area' of each prospective segment. Pain area for house wife : Identity Crisis.
Do not present your company, in the way , your CEO presents it to share holders or venture capitalists.
People have I-POD LC - 6 types of fears.
I = illness.
P = Poverty.
O = Old Age.
D = Death.
L = Loss of Loved One.
C = Criticism.
Pain area of the urban teacher is - catching up with the Joneses.
Book recommendation : " Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid " by C.K.Prahlad.
* Net Search : Bloom's Taxanomy.
After every 40 minutes, public goes dull. Be aware of these blind spots.
* Net Search : " Re usable learning objects " .
What are the assests for a trainer ? Number of ice breakers, Energizers, training content modules that one has developed.
As a trainer, how many assets have you built for yourself, in the last 6 months ? None !
Do write faculty guide for your energizers, role plays and slides. This will become your assets in your future training sessions.
Session Plan : Copy all PPT s into JPG s. paste them into MS WORD. Then, write faculty guide.
3 types of Role plays : Show case role play (2 people), Triad Role Play ( 3 people) and group role play.
Your ' scoping for the program ' dircetly depends on the faculty notes you prepare.
Your style is unique as a trainer. Your faculty guide evolves with you, over a period of time.