Valuable material found online, from web sites, twitter links and other stuff. Related to Sales Training, Behavioural training, skills training, and a much more wide gamut of material. Nothing is mine. Thanks and gratitude to authors, the original producers.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
(Linx) Post Lunch Energizers in Training
Here is the Google search result. For ' post lunch energizers in Training'.
Here is a very useful web site for ice breaker.
Here is one more, from an experiential learning web site. post lunch energizers
All this , apart from key word searching ' business balls'. Do that too, apart from reading from these web sites and picking up the most relevant ones, in leisure.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
parameters to evaluate training
1. Preparation.
2.Content Knowledge.
3.Positive Start.
4.Energetic Presentation
6.Audience Control.
7.Query Handling.
8.Summerizing and ...
9.Impactful Conclusion.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
6 months ' Dip Stick Study' at Peerless: feedback from sales
I sincerely hope, all our BM s unanimously vote for ME as the ' Trainer they Like Most' and give 11 different reasons for the same !! That will further improve my stock within the company and would help me... complete my ISTD project.
Here are the 10 questions for Dip Stick study.
ear BM's,
Thank you all for your support and cooperation in making Peerless Gurukul
Training a significant support function over the last 6 months.
As we are nearing our Half Yearly closing and then Training would take a
months break after Aug, I would like to seek answers of below
9 questions as your valued Feedback from each one of you who have
organized Training for your Branch or in your pockets from April-August
2010.For the records,in last 5 months we have done almost 700 Training
sessions covering nearly 12,000 manheads and 48,000 manhours pan
India with 30 Trainers.
Q1. Have you sat through any one complete Training sesion in your location
? If Yes, when and where.
Q2. In a scale of 10, how much do you rate the Training ? ( Parameters :
Content in vernaculars, Delivery in vernaculars, Handouts, Quizzes & Prize
Q3. Which Trainer you like the most ? (Mention name & why in one sentence)
Q4. What is the Best Part in Peerless Gurukul Training which you feel will
help your SG's ?
Q5. Which part of Peerless Gurukul Training you feel should be improved
further ? Any suggestive content for 3rd and 4th quarter ?
Q6. Give any success stories by name of the SG (if you have,any) who has
benefited from Training.
Q7. What is your expectation from Peerless Gurukul Training from October,
when the Training journey for 2nd Half of 2010-11 again begins ?
Q8. How comfortable you are on TMS now(issues, if any) and whether you will
complete all backlog entries in TMS by 31st Aug deadline ?
Q9. Comments/Remarks, if any.
Kindly sent your answers (via- Email ONLY) by 20th Aug Friday to me with
copies marked to Mr D Sen,VP(CM) & Ms Sharmistha Bhattacharya
Majumder,Training Coordinator(H.O), hopefully without any reminder from my
Look forward for your kind cooperation,
Warm Regards,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wharton on Cyber Attacks, Hacking & Data Security
From a corporate perspective, experts say the required response to these threats has two sides. The first is protecting IT infrastructure, meaning the systems, hardware, software and networks used by an organization. The second involves protecting the actual information or data that is supported by that infrastructure, whether the information is in motion, in use or in storage. Complicating those efforts, however, is the need to protect the business environment while ensuring that employees have access to the information and services they need to do their jobs.
"We have witnessed companies going under, or being severely hit, due to a single untoward event. As a result, how to better manage and finance extreme events is now a question discussed by many more board of directors than five or 10 years ago."
( reminded me of ' Black Swan' by Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
"What has changed is that both companies and hackers have grown sophisticated. So the good news is that most security software will protect us from the most basic threats, which was not the case in the past. But the bad news is that malware and viruses have become more sophisticated, so even advanced users can fall prey to them."
Experts say that the recent attacks on information security suggest at least three things: First, that hackers increasingly know exactly what they want, while their targets often struggle to understand the threat or where it is coming from. Second, that attackers continue to rapidly develop new ways to access what they want, and as a result, the threats can come from anywhere. (For example, The New York Times disclosed this year that hackers were trying to use online advertising on the newspaper's own website to disseminate malware.) Finally, observers believe that almost everyone and every company ultimately is at risk, a result of today's highly networked global economy and communications infrastructure
Here, monitoring and controlling access to information become even more challenging, as systems must be able to work both in-house and virtually, especially in cases of multi-tenant systems, where several companies or accounts may have sensitive information managed by a single server. CIO magazine recently reported that 51% of CIOs cited security as the greatest concern surrounding cloud computing.
One approach often used in military scenario-planning exercises, for example, is to split key participants into two teams and run a one-day exercise where one team cooks up potential cyberattacks while the other team designs a response. "You will be surprised by how imaginative your employees can be about what is your true weak link," Michel-Kerjan points out. "Keep in mind here that what can seriously hurt you will not be a 'usual' scenario."
From :
Friday, May 21, 2010
go game storm dot com !!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
6 roles of a parent
"Your children need your presence more than your presents." --Jesse JacksonParenting is the process of helping your children to 1) become aware of their potential, 2) expand their wings beyond their family and 3) perform and evolve at the peak of their abilities in a safe, supportive environment. It involves drawing out their strengths and helping them to bypass personal barriers and limits in order to achieve their personal best.
Each child is a unique individual, and each has their own schedule for growing up. At each stage of their growth, their needs and expectations from their parents will change. To meet these needs, parents take on different roles and communicate with each child according to that child's focus, style and age requirements. As a parent, you play six primary roles - sometimes two or three at the same time; at other times, one specific role may dominate. These roles, which require a different mindset, tools and techniques and approaches, range from providing your children with the necessities of life (environment) to making them aware of their potential (purpose in life) in a larger context than their current experience with their family or circle of friends.
- Caretaker and guide
In these combined roles, your focus is on your children's environment (where, when and with whom). As a caretaker, you promote your children's development by providing safe and supportive play, learning or work environments free from unnecessary outside distractions. As a guide, you're familiar with the territory (at minimum, more familiar than your children) and provide guidance and direction on possible paths they can take to achieve their desired outcomes. - Coach
Traditional coaching, which is referred to here, is focused on what your children are doing - their behaviors. As a coach, you help your children perform to the best of their abilities by identifying and encouraging specific action steps they can take to reach a successful conclusion. - Teacher
For the most part, teachers provide information and instruction on how to do a task or achieve an outcome. As a teacher, you help your children develop new strategies, skills and capabilities for thinking and taking action, rather than focusing on a particular accomplishment in a specific situation. With your assistance, they discover and refine many of their unconscious competencies, making these a way of life. - Mentor
In the mentor role, you provide guidance and influence to generate and strengthen important beliefs and values for your children, and you function as an appropriate role model. - Sponsor
Being a sponsor, you recognize, acknowledge and promote an attribute or identity that is already within your children, but that is not yet fully apparent or that they are not yet aware of. You do not have to be a role model; you may not have the same skills as the attribute being sponsored. - Awakener
As an awakener, you bring to your children's attention something larger than themselves (family, community, spirituality) and the purpose/vision that is awaiting them.
These competencies of caretaking/guiding, coaching, teaching, mentoring, sponsoring and awakening are essential skills for supporting your children. Each of the different levels of support requires a different interaction between you and your children, as well as a different tool set and abilities. Many situations will require a combination of these competencies.
These six roles have a hierarchy. The skills and abilities related to a particular role must include and also transcend the skills of all of the previous levels. That is, a teacher must have and exhibit the skills and abilities of a coach, a caretaker/guide and more. On the other hand, a guide may not possess or need to exhibit the skills and abilities of a coach.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Link 2 network marketing Training