Friday, June 29, 2018

2018 Reception batch 1 Day 2 responses & wrap up

1. Video of JD Laxminarayana ( multiple)
2.Five bullet questions 
3. " Always be different from others " , a message in JD Laxminarayana video .
4. Accountability . Difference between Accountability and Responsibility . 
5. Left Brain - Right Brain Cocept 
6. 6 step process in problem solving .
7. 3 Gaps and how to identify . Definition of a Problem . 
8 .Benefits of problem Solving .
9. Group Discussion . Dividing into different social segments , analyzing their problems . 
10. Sharing of various experiences. 
11. Buddha Story . 
12. Glad Mad exercise . 
13. Broken Window theory and the need to ACT immediately , upon seeing a problem .

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